A Letter for My Future Patient


Jenni Kiljala


A Letter for My Future Patient

Dear Eva Baker,

I´m writing this letter to you in hopes of brightening your final day here and reminding you that what you have gone through shows that you are stronger than you possibly ever thought you would be. I am proud of your progress at Peaches Hospital and honored to be your nurse.

It´s been exactly a month since the memorable night when everything changed in the blink of an eye for you and your family. You were on your way to the airport with your husband and ready to catch a flight for a well-deserved vacation to Costa Rica when a drunk driver hit your car, which caused a brutal collision. Your husband, who was the one driving, didn´t survive all the wounds and bleeding, even though we tried our best to save him. I have no words to describe how deeply sorry I am for your loss.

The moment I met you, I saw a fighter. Although you were diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, a spinal cord injury, a neck injury, and two broken ribs, you didn´t give up. You have inspired us all with your kindness, acceptance, and courage to believe life will look good again someday. I am happy now that you have a place to go and someone helping you after the discharge because I know not having your husband here taking care of you worried you. Your mom is moving here from another state and living with you for as long as needed, and it is truly a blessing we all asked for. I look forward to meeting her tomorrow when we review your discharge plan.

I want you to stay hopeful and to remember that there is always light despite all the darkness and struggles. Hope will help you to go through the hard times and face the challenges more optimistically. In addition, I want you to remember to be patient with your body and kind to yourself. Healing will take time, and it can feel like things are moving too slowly. Just remember to allow yourself to rest as much as your body needs and to let us know if there are any concerns. Your healthcare team, including myself, will always be happy to help you. I hope nothing but the best for your recovery and you, Eva.

Yours sincerely,

Jenni Kiljala, RN

Jenni Kiljala

Nursing Student

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