A letter to the Bronx District Attorney - (lived through experience)


Freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 19 of the UDHR states that "everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his “choice”.

Bronx District Attorney

198 East 161 Street

New York, NY 10451

Julian Bond O’ Connor

General Counsel

Theresa Mason

Chief of Staff


46 Precinct Police Bronx

2120 Ryer Avenue

Bronx, New York 10457

Richard Brea- Deputy Inspector

National Action Network

House of Justice

106 West 145th Street

New York, NY 10027

“Seeking assistance in regards to NYPD policy and procedures; requesting support and guidance relating to this crucial matter”

March 14, 2020

Dear Madam Clark,

My name is Came’e Lee, I am the mother of Jarrien who is 18 years old. Jarrien is a bright teenager, who lives with limitations.

On March 7, 2020 a 911 call was placed in regards to damaged property. After three calls to 911, on the 7th of March 2020 two officers arrived, in which I met downstairs in my building lobby.

I was able to begin explaining to the two officers “Fore” and “ Johnson”, what had occurred with my son. During the exchange Officer “Johnson” asked me if my son has mental... ( can not re- call if Officer “Johnson” stated “illness” or “health”)

I replied by stating that it would not be right if I disclose any of my son’s medical information. Officer “Johnson” says why? , that he needs to know this information.

Through out this dialogue exchange with Officer “Johnson”, it became very “uncomfortable”; so much so that Officer “Fore” had to intervene in the matter, by stating the following:

“ okay okay, we are just going to wait until the Sergeant arrives.”

I explained to Officer “Johnson” that he was suppose to approach the situation UN biased, unfortunately from the beginning you have displayed a bias delivery towards me.

( Please see Submitted CCRB Complaint to the City of New York dated 3/7/2020)

The request for the Sergeant came after I submitted a verbal request for a Supervisor to come onto the scene so I may ask my policy questions relating to a documented report.

I was told the only way to get a report written - would result in my son being arrested.

From the beginning of the conversation I made it clear to both officers, pressing chargers is not what I was seeking regarding my son Jarrien. I did in fact state that I wanted him to seek “medical services”.

Sergeant Mendoza and Officer Sako arrived on the scene with “ Mendoza “ confirming that a Domestic Violence report can be written regarding the damaged property. I still was able to confirm to Sergeant “Mendoza”, having my son arrested was not the remedy I was seeking. Mendoza could not understand the tension within “my home” when he arrived; I was able to offer feedback in regards to my exchanges with Officer “ Johnson” to offer insight.

After Sergeant “Mendoza” and “Sako” left the scene , Officer “Fore” began to assist with the DV report complaint # 15712.

While the report was being documented, I believe Officer “Johnson “ denied me of the right to confidentiality while engaging with

  • seeking information for the report

  • stating information, regarding the report

  • stating information, regarding the report

Afterwards, I received a copy of the report. Officer “Johnson” asked me what does this say?, after reading over the report.

(Referring to my last sentence on Complaint #15712.

Approximately five minutes passed my door bell rings, it was Officer “Fore”. I was informed that the police captain was on his way.

When the Captain arrived he was very respectful and explained that no one was looking to arrest my son. In addition I was asked if I had a photo of my son to provide to the police, I was not able to offer a photo.

The captain confirmed that I would probably be followed up with by the detective squad.

I received a voicemail from Detective Seligson on 3/10/20. The morning of 3/11/20 I was able to communicate with Detective Seligson, in regards to the filed complaint report #15712. Within that conversation I again explained the nature of my position surrounding my son requiring “medical attention”. I was then informed by Detective Seligson that due to certain mandates my matter has to be turned over to the District Attorney. Detective Seligson did inform me, if I choose to I could bring my son Jarrien down to the 46 Precinct and sit with Jarrien in his office to discuss the matter.


  • Submitted Questions:

relating to this situation

  1. If I am not seeking to press charges against my son, why does the 46 Precinct have to push through with a arrest warrant for my son Jarrien?

  1. Why would the NYPD 46 Precinct place posters of my son within the lobby of my building?

  1. Why was I told, Detectives will “come banging at my door 5:00 am looking for my son?

  1. As Detective Seligson explained the process to me if I chose not to bring my son down to the 46 Precinct; the choice of words were stated to me.

•” nobody gets hurt”

  • “ nothing can go wrong”

Madam Clark, I confirm there were concerns that issued me to contact 911 on March 7, 2020. From the beginning of my initial call to 911, until today 7 days later my position had not changed. The beneficial remedy for my son is not a arrest, it is

“ Medical Treatment”.

My son might have still been on the scene to be escorted to the hospital for a Evaluation by a “licensed practitioner”; If I was not held by contacting 911 three times seeking a follow up.

Therefore, I am requesting feedback and information from the Bronx District Attorney Office. I humbly submit my concerns regarding the above issues relating to this matter.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Humble regards,

Came’e Lee


Came'e Lee
Came'e Lee


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