Call for Amazon to stop selling animal snares

Mr J Bezos

Chief Executive Officer

410 Terry Avenue North

Seattle, WA 98109-5210

United States

Dear Mr Bezos

We, the undersigned, are writing to you about an important matter that deeply affects wildlife across the globe – the sale of animal snares on your platform.

Animal snares are inhumane and indiscriminate traps which cause immense pain and suffering to countless animals. Once entangled in a snare – a bit like a metal wire noose – an animal will desperately try to escape and either be strangled, starved, dehydrated or picked apart by a predator. They pose a severe threat to both pets and wildlife, inflicting physical and psychological trauma and often leading to a slow and agonising death. These instruments of torture have no place in a modern and responsible society, and their sale on Amazon is a direct contradiction to the principles of empathy and ethics which should underpin all responsible companies.

Here in the UK, we are one of only five European nations who have not already banned snares outright. An estimated 1.7 million animals are trapped in snares every year, based on government research carried out in 2012 ( There are steps being made to address the issues of animal snares. The recent decision by the Welsh Senedd to ban their use, as well as the ongoing debate in the Scottish Government regarding a ban are crucial steps towards protecting innocent wildlife from unnecessary suffering. As a responsible and ethical online marketplace, we urge Amazon to take a stand against animal cruelty by immediately prohibiting their sale on your platform.

Currently, Amazon are inadvertently supporting the perpetuation of cruelty towards animals. Such practices are not only harmful to the animals themselves, but they also tarnish your organisational reputation. The world looks to you as a global industry leader to set the example of compassion and sustainability. A ban on the sale of snares through your site would not only reflect positively on you but also set a powerful precedent for other major retailers to follow.

We trust that you will take swift action to align Amazon’s policies with the morally responsible course of action against snares and demonstrate your commitment to protecting animal welfare and preventing their needless suffering.

We hope to hear from you.


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