Department of Communities Nightmare Neighbour

To the Australian Public,

I think most of would agree that buying your first home should be an enjoyable experience? Well, not for me. I have bought next to a Department of Communities neighbour which has become an absolute nightmare.

I have an ongoing smoke and weed drift entering my apartment which poses a significant health risk. I have then been threatened by this tenant for putting in complaints about the smoke drift! Despite various calls to the police who have told me the tenant is well known to them, and they believe she should be in a mental health facility, any complaints I have put into the Department of Communities are deemed not 'corroboarated' by them despite police coming out and witnessing their tenants behaviour as well as neighbours. Neighbours, not just myself, have said they are 'terrified' by the tenants behaviour which includes shouting, screaming and banging the walls and doors of her 'lovely' apartment that was given to her for free in a prime location too! I did not work hard and save for a deposit to buy in what I thought was a good area to end up living next door to someone who is clearly unwell. And well I understand these people need help, placing them among members of the public who work hard to buy their properties isn't the solution. Of course we all know the people making these decisions will never put these people next to them but when you complain you are seen as unsympathetic! This isn't right! Is it right that I had to apply for a violence restraining order against this tenant because I felt unsafe in my own home? Department of Communities will still not move her! And when she had the audacity to challenge it guess what she gets? A lawyer to represent her - all from tax payers money too!! Yes, people from terrible situations need assistance but that doesn't mean give them everything while they disturb the peace of ordinary citizens like me and you! It is time that Australians say no to this. These people should not be scattered around for the rest of us to deal with. In addition, if you are looking to buy a home and you ask the real estate agent if their is government housing next door - they are not allowed to tell you otherwise they will lose their license! Absolute disgrace! It is up to all of us to say NO to the Department of Communities approach which only suits their tenants but is unfair to the public that live around them.

Sarah Thomas


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