
Hi Guys,

First - would like to say it's been great playing on your realms. Don't visit often these days - here's why;

Personally, I do not like the random draw version - it's fun once but not more - so do not play seasonal.

This leads to a division of the community - many of us are here only for the freepick so won't look at your seasonal offering. The result is a low population on Area 52 while Thrall is running. Some are happy in a low pop server. Me less so.

There are other problems.

Chop and Change - recent changes have left the game a confusing hotch potch of half working features. The separation of equipment from RE's (and the unworkable altar interface) is a prime example. The whole point of these elements being linked to actual pieces of gear is that they must be updated when replaced. Another is the way RE gems have been implemented - I seriously question that this was a good idea. It limits what can be done with the characters rather than expanding and empowering them.

This leads me to another mistake you chaps make time and time again. With you lot it's always a debuff to fix a balance issue, never a buff or growth in abilities to counter a problem. Over the years this has led ever downwards to the point that the toons we make in your realm are less and less spectacular in a constantly diminishing spiral.

Thanks for considering this message. No doubt I'll be back. But I won't be staying for long unless you can find your way clear of these issues.



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