Open Letter to president trump

Dear President Donald J. Trump, I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. As I come collect my thoughts, I am left very confused, angry, and slightly displaying empathy towards your time as president. As you were president, you had many decisions, talks, and actions that displayed controversy. Your tweets, comments towards minorities, and scary standoffs with nations has made our country a scary place to live in.I understand being president is not an easy task at hand. Having to deal with entire country, and then also dealing with other nations to ensure saftey for the people of the United States is a job many would not accomplish in. As I hear your viewpoints, I can understand why you would say certain things. I commend you President Trump on your tasks for helping bring jobs back to this country, help the economy, and stabilize some relationships with countries, such as India. However, this does not mean I can look past on the evilness your presidency brought to the states.I want to discuss the time of when you discussed about the wall to border Mexico and the U.S. What were you thinking? Not everyone that comes from remote countries such as Mexico are bad people, why do you think a wall would have solved the issue or people coming into this country illegally? There are many other parts of the world that people come from and enter the states illegally, such as Poland.   Let’s discuss the time you wanted to get rid of the Paris Accord. President Trump, we are trying to breathe in this country and be on the same page with majority of the world. Why do you think it is okay to get rid of that? I understand why you got rid of the Paris Accord, it is because you do not belive climate change is real. That is the problem. You do not believe in science. How can a president not believe in science?However, with these setbacks, I want to empathize with you on your lack of ability to show compassion, as maybe you were not brought up the way many of us have been raised. Your lack of awareness shows, and I cannot blame you solely for that, as your upbringing as a child was of the 1%. Many people who were raised in an household that was not “Normal” or “ordinary” have values and ideas that are not normal or ordinary. Even though we do not agree on many aspects, you have tried to be a president many look up to, many that hate you, and many that have mixed emotions. If you cleaned up your act, talk in a presidential tone, and actually empathize with people, it would make people think better of you. With warm regards, Sathyam Jaitly   here..

Sathyam Jaitly


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