Please be who you were created to be...

To Whom It May Concern,

This is my personal point of view, I am bold enough to share it with you.

I have always been given the gift to be free in my thoughts. With thoughts comes expression, the freedom to express oneself. Now expression can be viewed as many things. Some who think, do not verbally express, while many who think often do verbally express.

My name is Came’e L. Lee; I verbally express myself.

verbal expression - noun

the communication (in speech or writing) of your beliefs or opinions

Verbal expression includes anything a person says. If someone is speaking, they are expressing themselves verbally, hence, verbal expression. Examples include speeches, utterances, orations, exclamations, bloviations, questions, mutterings, whispering, shouting, yelling, crying out, (speaking up, and talking through. ) There are many others—(anything that is spoken.)

I have discovered that a lot of people have a lot to say, but to often are not willing to express themselves. Truthfully, I do not have a problem with the way or fashion anyone chooses to express themselves. We live in a free society, which gives us a free pathway to exercise our civil rights under the law.

According to Psychology Today, our need to be liked can keep us from doing things that matter to us (but what will they think?), trying new things (but what will they think if I’m not good at it?), and, of course, lead to stress about meeting expectations (how can I make them like me?).

Basically, it can stop us from finding and living as our true selves.

My need to be accepted by people who may never understand me, came to end a long time ago. I have grown comfortable in who I am, while growing into the final and finish product according to (God’s design.)

My opinion on the necessity for each one of us to have the courage to be ourselves.

To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are.”

― Roy T. Bennett

When you find out who you are in life, then to discover that you have not be duplicated by any other person is priceless.

We can have things in common, even while having similar features; but we are all different. I have been blessed to have family and friends who accepted me for who I am. Accepting a person, does not equal to always agreeing with one another. If you have the tenacity to own who you are, with your flaws, and be content that you are a working progress… you have found your place in this life. We need one another yes, but we cannot limit our capacity or reach in society due to the needs of needing to be accepted – or liked.

So today, I leave with you with this, have the courage to be yourself. Look at me, I have…

- Came’e L. Lee

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”

― Bernard M. Baruch



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