Project Shree by ASRN

Dear Nepalese Fellows,

I am writing this letter to share a critical situation that we, at the Astral Space Research Centre (ASRN), are facing with Project Shree. Our team, a dedicated assembly of 25 engineers from all corners of Nepal, have strived tirelessly to uplift the name of our beloved country in the field of space exploration. Despite our efforts, we are currently at a crossroads due to a significant financial hurdle.

Our pride and joy, the Nepalese engineered rocket, stands on the cusp of completion, ready to compete in the esteemed Spaceport America Cup 2023. But the lack of financial support could potentially sideline this dream. When we approached our government for assistance, we were met with the reality of their limitations. The message was clear: "Nepal's current budget does not support this kind of space exploration."

This response was undoubtedly disheartening, but it has not broken our resolve. Rather, it has strengthened our determination to seek alternative paths.

Our accomplishments thus far speak volumes of our potential. We have twice made it to the top 25 of 175 countries in the Spaceport America Cup. The fact that Nepal has been recognised on such a global platform is an accomplishment in and of itself. Our real victory, however, lies not in winning or losing, but in the opportunity to demonstrate to the world our capabilities.

Our initiative has garnered attention from various media outlets. BBC Nepal has covered our project (, including a feature video on their platform ( NepalSatya has also shared our journey (

In collaboration with Elayne: The Digital Agency, we have initiated a crowdfunding campaign. This is an opportunity for all Nepalese to believe in and support our dream, to showcase our country's ability on a global stage.

Space exploration symbolises more than the pursuit of knowledge, it represents our confidence, resilience, and pride in advancing science and technology. We have dreamt this dream, as have many of you. Now, we lay the decision in your hands.

Your support, whether moral, financial, or simply sharing our story, would mean the world to us.

Thank you in advance for your love, support, and belief in our vision.


Engineer Shisir GC.

Shisir GC
Shisir GC


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