Theresa Snell

The Midland Hotel is an imperfect icon but holds a sovereign place in the hearts of the Northerners who have grown up around it, in awe of it and those visitors who have experienced The Great Manchester using this hotel.

We understand the hotel is a business and currently at a loss, however the increasing cuts are not only impacting the guest experience, but the attention of those key team members with a real passion for service and who want to see this incredible hotel succeed. Currently your hotel relies entirely on team member working extra hours which are now completely unpaid and otherwise unrewarded. This labour is sustained only by the love and faith given to this amazing hotel by those who love it. They will not work unrewarded and you are lucky that they have this faith and love in the hotel.You are on the verge of losing your key workers.

Now we’re in agreement that cuts need to be made to keep our business alive, all we ask is a more open conversation between yourself and those who face our bright eyed and bushy tailed guests, excited for the midland experience about what our needs are to continue to consistently deliver The Midland standard, regarding where these cuts .This letter is not the first warning of collapse, but one forced from us before final collapse of the team who have cared dearly for the hotel and its guests.We want to work together with our GM to reliably provide the Midland Experience to all our valued guests who save their hard earned money for time off work at the midland hotel.

Honourably and Sincerely,The Worker Bees of the Midland Hotel.PS.

We are the ones who care.


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