Village Realty and RealJoy Whistleblower Report - Discrimination and Unfair Practices

Dear LightBay Partners and Vacation Rental Professionals

We, a concerned group of employees, write this letter as whistleblowers to shed light on a grave issue that has been plaguing our workplace. It has come to our attention that a pattern of discriminatory practices is taking place, orchestrated by our Chief Operating Officer (COO), Jakob Dwyer. We feel compelled to bring these concerns to your attention, as we believe it is crucial to address the systemic discrimination against women that is occurring within our organization. We have copied industry professionals and journalists here to ensure this issue is public and that swift action is taken.

Over the past few months, we have observed a distressing trend of female employees being terminated and subsequently replaced exclusively by heterosexual white males. What is particularly alarming is that many of these new hires share personal relationships with Jakob Dwyer or his acquaintances. This creates a hostile work environment and raises concerns about nepotism and favoritism undermining the principles of fair employment.

The terminated women who have fallen victim to this discriminatory practice, and one who may be at risk, have held prestigious positions in companies such as Igloo Coolers, Mattress Firm, BuyBuy Baby, Coca Cola, and Wyndham. They bring with them extensive backgrounds in human resources, data analysis, marketing and property management, which have proven valuable to our organization. Moreover, it has come to our knowledge that several of the terminated women were offered severance packages as an attempt to silence them and prevent any potential backlash. One of the affected individuals is currently battling cancer, further adding to the injustice and distress caused by these discriminatory actions.

We are deeply troubled by the potential consequences for our Vice President of Marketing, who currently serves as the sole woman on the senior management team. Given the disturbing pattern we have witnessed, it is uncertain how long she will be able to retain her position before facing a similar fate.

To rectify this situation, we urge you to conduct a thorough investigation into the terminations and hirings of General Managers and above that have taken place over the past year. Specifically, we request an examination of the percentage of terminations involving women and the percentage of hires consisting of heterosexual white males. This analysis will shed light on the blatant discrimination we are witnessing and provide the necessary evidence for appropriate actions to be taken.

Furthermore, we urge the third-party property managers and business brokers copied here to exercise caution when engaging with RealJoy or Village Realty until a comprehensive investigation has taken place, and Jakob Dwyer has been removed from his position of authority. Please advise potential sellers you know, of the same.

We kindly request that you respect our anonymity while addressing this matter. Our sole intention in bringing this issue to your attention is to rectify the ongoing injustices and ensure a workplace that fosters equality, diversity, and respect.

Thank you for your attention to this serious matter. We remain hopeful that you will take the necessary steps to investigate and rectify these discriminatory practices promptly.




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