War on Labor, Governor McMaster

I am a union member in the state of South Carolina, a Staff Representative with the United Steelworkers and now serving as a Vice President of the SC AFL-CIO. I am appalled at the statements you made in your most recent state of the State address. With less than a 2% union density in this state, I must ask this question; what are you afraid of? It is shameful to tout business growth in this state because of you and others promises to ensure there will be “no union.” Unions make a positive difference in the lives of their members. Unions not only provide a living wage, but also ensure equal pay for equal work, access to affordable healthcare benefits, and the prospect of a secure retirement.

Despite the fact you are charged with representing all South Carolinians, you, and many of the members of the General Assembly, in addition to other elected officials, continue to threaten, intimidate, and degrade the importance of organized labor; never speaking of its values.

Keep in mind, it is well documented that during the “industrial age” companies did not take care of the workforce. Well, I am here to tell you, in this “new age” companies aren’t any different! Without a union, companies still don’t take care of the workforce. Their bottom line is greed, which is evident based on the wage gap between workers and the executives among other indicators. An economy does not suffer because of organized labor, it suffers as the result of policy makers refusing to embrace all workers (union and non-union) by safeguarding a living wage, decent benefits, and the promotion of safe working conditions, just to mention a few examples.

As for you and others, fighting this battle all the way to hell is exactly what will happen. Anyone who does not repent for causing oppression to others, promoting racism, sexism, eliminating policy to ensure its citizens can have decent healthcare, and using their position to enrich one group at the expense of others; hell is exactly where they will find themselves!


Proud UNION member and concerned citizen

Kim Smith

Union Rep

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